Have we not all heard the story about, I screw you once shame on Me! I screw you twice shame on you! Story telling and screwing our neighbors has been going on since man dragged his knuckles across the landscape and stood upright. The first casualty of life is the truth. The snake oil salesman has not been buried in time,they are alive and well. It started as soon as I could understand the spoken word,sadly my parents were the first ones to lie to me. Then my siblings, then my teachers, and the ultimate lie was religion! Ditto this includes me! Money greed and power over an other human being has created a society of snake oil sales people.
To tell the truth is optional,deception usually is the best defense. Who do we trust? Sixty percent divorce rate suggest somebody was lying! Governments have been lying ever since two or more men created a system that wanted us to place our trust in them! We have created a society of keepers of my brother. Have we not monopolized on what was innate in us from the beginning. Have we not been brainwashed to the ends degree? How many mass suicides has there been over the years. Somebody found believers and lied to them for sure!
The health system along with the drug companies have totally pulled the wool over societies eyes? Have we not lost sight of a balance in the world order that professed equality for all mankind? Kings, Queens, Presidents, dictators and leaders have lied to the masses to stay in power. Why is it when comedians tell us the truth we all laugh and agree? What is the truth? Trust me are the most over used words in any language! So trust me I'm telling you the truth????