The true nature of me.
Do you really know who you are? I'm a sixty two year old guy who has had a interesting journey in the game of life! I've been searching for my true nature over the years. I've been afforded a life of sobriety clean and sober for twenty four years. To most people this means very little, however many will understand! My approach to life has changed considerably over the years.
Ever since my childhood I've had and interest in what makes people tick.
My approach to life is not unique, however I've made many observation's in watching and listening to my fellow human beings. My belief in a power greater than I has changed many times over the years. Electricity is a constant source of power that we depend on, however most of us would shudder if we could not us it!
Nature is also a constant source of power that is steadfast and will not negotiate any deals. Man has always tried to harness the power of nature. Nature will not negotiate with man, however man is forever negotiating with nature. I will not apologize for being politically incorrect, because I just don't believe in it! Earth is Earth and the world is what it is. Man women and child, have always been part of mother earth. The evolution of the human species has no name, it just is!
Why is it that when a fox chases a rabbit and misses, it doesn't call all his buddies and bitch about the bad day he's had? That's humility humans don't understand and will never get! I don't pretend to have a greater understanding than most, however my journey is my journey. I will end this post with by saying I haven't chased any rabbit's and missed!
I will share more of my thoughts in future posts. By for now.