The minorities have spoken and Canada listened?
Ok so two people of the same sex can get Married? What did we accomplish as a nation? We abhor child molesters and child pornography! However we applaud two people of the same sex getting it on! These same two will be allowed to adopt children and instill moral values on that unsuspecting child. ! Am I missing something? If you can't make it with the opposite sex then switch? What the hell keeps most of us from making the switch? Moral values, fear, religion, human nature. Most of society have excepted their lot as being a man or women and live with it! Where do we go next? What happens to these people when they can't get gratification from there respective partner's? "A" sexual, that would be the last door. It's time to reevaluate ourselves as human beings along with our natural sexual desires. There has to be right and wrong, however common sense and logic should dictate our conduct! Does tolerance make it right? Minorities have to stop using the Government has a crutch to champion what is fundamentally unnatural.