The pain eventually goes away however we never forget. Where do they go? Is there an other side of life? If I apply logic to explain death! The answer is simple in that life stops. I can surely speculate what is beyond life. Science has been able to answer most of the questions concerning birth! Many religions speculate on what death is and what happens after death. Science can explain the reasons what may cause death, however it ends there. If man does not have an answer he will explain it as being a mystery. I have not been a stranger do death in the last twenty years.
Two women in my life have passed on in the last twenty years. Sadly my friend of eight years committed suicide in 1992. Just recently my friend of eleven years battled breast cancer and lost. My life did not begin twenty years ago, however the loss of my two friends has allowed me to grow in my own life. I'm sure some of you have experienced the same and possibly more! I can not judge my friend who decided to take her own life, no more that I can ask why did cancer take my other friend. Intellectually I understand life and death, however I must allow myself the loss and feel the emotional pain. To the degree that I am at peace with myself, the easier it is to find acceptance in the death of my friends. Simply life must go on! I must place my trust in Nature as my friends did.