While walking down Bourbon street in New Orleans we noticed a crowd gathered around a guy who was entertaining the folks with a dancing puppet of sorts. Much to our amazement he had this cardboard clown dancing. A simple cardboard cut-out with rubber bands for legs with what looked like feet? You could not see the thin thread used to hold up the little character. I was fascinated by the little guy and bought one for five bucks. My brother's family laughed saying, that's uncle Moe's of the wall personality coming throw again. My little new found friend was put into a suitcase ready for the long ride back to Canada.
A lot has happened since meeting Mr.Bo-Jangels.That was the name I gave him all most twenty years later. My live in girlfriend has past away since. Mr. Bo- Jangles came back into my life by pure chance. I had forgotten about him for years and didn't even remember I had bought him! My sister in-law mentioned at a family gathering, her daughters wedding. What ever happened to that little cardboard cut out I had purchased in New Orleans 20 years ago? Now I had to satisfy my curiosity, could I find him? I had moved four times since then. I now live in a small one bedroom apt in a 55 plus complex. I had an 18 acre hobby farm sold and bought an other house in the city. Sold moved into an apt. Then I moved to my present address. So what are the chances that Mr. Bo- Jangels will be found? I have a small storage room in the apt and that would be the only place that Mr. Bo-Jangels could possibly be? Only a few boxes are left from a life time of living. Low and behold there he was tucked away at the bottom of a box. Not worse for wear after twenty years of being ignored and left in the dark! Mr. Bo- Jangels and I have rekindled our brief friendship and have since grown closer.