Will the real Micheal Richards stand up?
We have all at one time or an other harboured thoughts that if articulated may be offensive? Micheal Richards knee jerk reaction to a hecklers displeasure with his act was perceived as way over the top! I would suspect that in private conversations with very close friends Richards may have articulated those same sentiments. Is he really racially intolerant? I'm sure over the course of his many years as an actor he worked with many people from all minorities? If he is intolerant to minorities and especially the Black community we would have seen or heard something much sooner? However society has and will judge Micheal Richards! How sincere was his act of contrition on David Letterman? Does he want to save his professional skin or his human side? I'm sure he has regretted his emotional outburst! We must allow him to search the deepest part of his soul and reconcile the anger he feels!