Some people may remember this face in and around 1978. Wow! I have I changed. I was doing Big Daddy's Rock and Roll Show in Winnipeg's local bars and around Manitoba. My ultra ego didn't look like that. He was a biker type character with a lot of attitude. Sun glasses, black leather motorcycle jacket and a triumph cap. I never thought that from a costume contest at a local drinking hole that Big Daddy would evolve into a pretty thriving business! By accident I took on the voice of Wolf Man jack a popular radio personality from the 50's and 60's. The combination seemed to work well along with hours of taped Rock and Roll music from the fifties up to the early seventies. My first greaser social was a sell out, 500 people showed up and I almost got arrested for over capacity in the hall we had rented. I was the producer, manager, agent, photographer and front man Big daddy. By the time we got into full swing we had a pretty cool looking show, with lights, slides, smoke, and much more. Big Daddy was very popular with the ladies. I was unattached ready and willing, you get the picture. At that time our show was a catalyst allowing people to dance to taped music in bars. Live bands had been the norm for years until the liquor control commission had put the lid on dancing to live music, silly as it was. Dancing at Greaser socials was OK, however not in bars. I lobbied the Commission for months on end until they changed the ruling. The law was changed and the rest is history. So comes Disco in the late seventies early eighties. I hated Disco and slowly Big Daddy faded into obscurity. I remained a Freelance Photojournalist and kept trying to survive. Many years of partying , smoking, drugs and booze took it's toll on my body. I finally gave up the whole lot and got sober in 1980 and have been enjoying a life of sobriety ever since. I'm a retired guy now working in the movie industry as an Actor/movie extra enjoying my life.