Why be surprised at the basic nature of the female species! Human Nature period!! no man in the picture no offspring to take care of. Straightforward common sense and logic. Not surprising that she tolerates having the knuckle dragging monkey around to forage for food and gather the wood to keep the babies warm. That is the basic and simple explanation.
We as men will make an effort to help with the babies, however our basic nature is to mate with her as often as she is willing. Much like the animal kingdom we have the urge to look out side the nest with the hope that we are within the eyesight of an ovulating female. Never get between a mama bear and her cubs! Widowed women out number widower men by a large margin. They just simply live longer. Go to any nursing home in North America, As an example the building I live in has sixty suites with only five men the balance are widowed ladies.
You all know this, however my stubbornness’ in ignoring political correctness puts a different slant on what you all maybe thinking. As humans were we really meant to spend an entire lifetime with the same mate? In theory It may make sense to many. However the divorce rate statistics surely brings up a compelling Argument to the contrary. Who wants to take on religion, the experts, or maybe those who have spent sixty or more years with the same person? Please don’t use me as an example I for whatever reasons could not maintain an ongoing relationship with the same women for any length of time. However I did father two children as the results of a legal marriage. If the truth be known unknowingly I may have fathered more. For those who’s heart may have started to race or felt faint or your self righteous brain went into gear, I have been divorced from a short six year marriage for forty years. Ok take a deep breath and lets get on with the story. Only the mothers of those offspring really know! Was I used as a sperm donor, Let them answer that question. (“don’t worry I’m on the pill”) I was only following my basic nature as knuckle dragging monkey.Tina Turner said it best " whats love got to do with it" If your offended by this article please pass it on. If your not offended say nothing because it will defeat my reasons for writing it in the first place. Or maybe your snickering in agreement. I am no shock jock writer trying to get attention?? Just and old guy who thinks he's a wordsmith.
Maurice Asselin