The audition was good all are happy!
Wow what an experience that was! I had made up my mind prior to going to the audition that I know my lines well. I checked my ego at the door, walked in to meet a down to earth director who had checked his ego as well. A young man for sure, cordial, friendly, unassuming open to what you can offer. Amazing how well things go when competition is removed from the equation. Lori the casting director for Next casting was there. An other lady that read lines so I could give my spiel. I had made up my mind that I was going to give it my best. I always knew that given the chance I could give a convincing performance. The directors response was positive and he seemed pretty happy with my take on the lines. So much so that he had me read lines for an other part. OK I will relax and enjoy the experience and let things unfold and see what is to come next. I've been in the business long enough to know that things do change and not to get my hopes up to much. However I'm sure we will be meeting some time in the near future. I can always be that extra that they always need. I hope that I get the chance to prove my worth as a speaking actor. All in all it was a great day for sure. I had been at a loss for words for some time now. Writers block I guess. I'm in a good place emotionally and feel the flow is coming back. Before I wear out my welcome I will shut down and save it for an other day. By for now!