How not to audition for a thirty second commercial! Working as a movie extra is simply just doing what you are directed to. I auditioned for a speaking role in a local low budget independent feature film. Two auditions and I had it nailed down. The buzz about my scene as the Salvage yard boss in the movie Clear Lake has been good. The wrap party was an interesting evening to say the least. I was congratulated on my performance.
I’ve been in the movie biz since 2001. This was my first chance at a speaking roll. It does not often happen in the industry. I had sent my photo and resume to Jim Heber the casting director for principle actor speaking rolls in Winnipeg. Not expecting to ever be called, I was invited to audition for a TV commercial. They sent me the script by email.
Two thirty second commercials for a product called Dekalb. Monsanto is one of the largest agricultural suppliers in the world. I was to audition on Tuesday July 29. I had studied the lines feeling good about my ability to deliver the goods necessary to get the part. Wow was I wrong!!! Auditioning for a commercial was totally different than a part in a movie. Stand look directly into the camera read your lines as suggested and that is it!
Most importantly pronounce the product name correctly. The Monsanto representative was watching each audition. I was third or fourth in line to go into the room. Each audition took no longer than a few minutes. I could hear the people ahead me read their lines. Ok, no big, deal sounds simple enough. I went in and totally blew the whole audition. I found it difficult to look directly into the camera, and did not read exactly as directed, also mispronounced the product name. I know for sure they have picked the candidate to do the commercial, and it’s not me. Does this mean I may never get the chance to audition for a speaking roll with the only speaking roll Director again???