Nature's Reflections in a Glass
Nature's reflections are your eyes
the glare is kind and clear forever
slowly look over your shoulder
faded memories are in a special place
so much time has past however slow
nature has resolved and made a print
search the eye of your soul and forgive
nature is patient and Wait's your answer
count the grains of sand as time is short
a shallow scoop is all that is needed
feed yourself with the knowledge of stillness
mother earth in its kindness will comfort you
fear not the waters as nature keeps you afloat
listen to a voice from the sea enjoy the sound
natures patients a Wait's your response once only
your response is silent in nature's glass
the glass is full of you and you of it
fear not mother nature holds you forever
Maurice Asselin December 4, 2004
For my friend Rhonda with love
Post Cataract Surgery?
Holly Molly people? Cataract surgery is a big business? Went to Misericordia urgent care and nursing facility, once a 125-bed hospital in Winnipeg! I arrived one hour early 11;00 am as requested for pre-operation set up. I was not the only one there for sure dam? The room was lined up with beds as far as my bad eyes could see! The ones with patches on one eye eating toast and coffee had past the production line ready to be shipped out? My inquisitive journalistic mind went into action! How many surgeries a day are performed here I ask? An average of 50 nurse answered! They have four operating rooms on the move cutting out cataracts. Blue haired ladies and grey haired balding men can be seen pushed back and forth in and out! Ham and eggs toast and coffee was once the breakfast for the golden oldies? Cut backs and a poorly run health care system running out of money is evident. A room full of highly paid help keeps the production line in motion?
One gal runs the coffee pot and toaster tucked in the in corner going steady! I paid $300 for soft lens implant not covered by Manitoba health? I still have one more eye to be done in the end of May at a cost of $300! The person in the next bed who chose the hard lens implant gets it done free of charge! Ok my choice you say? My research shows that Ontario health care system has no charge for soft lens implant! May I add that I’m struggling to write this as I try seeing past the constant fog permeating my eye? Post operation doctor visit he says normal for a tuff cataract removal? What ever? At least a week in the fog-putting eye drops 4 times a day! Don’t listen to your friends that say I could see vivid clear colors the next morning! In some cases yes it does happen! By the way the doctor said I could drive, however very carefully! If you live in Winnipeg and see a beat-up 87 Dodge Caravan coming your way, take your chances lol! As usual its Never a yes or no with me it’s a long-winded story! Hey have a nice Sunday and it’s great seeing you, well almost!
One gal runs the coffee pot and toaster tucked in the in corner going steady! I paid $300 for soft lens implant not covered by Manitoba health? I still have one more eye to be done in the end of May at a cost of $300! The person in the next bed who chose the hard lens implant gets it done free of charge! Ok my choice you say? My research shows that Ontario health care system has no charge for soft lens implant! May I add that I’m struggling to write this as I try seeing past the constant fog permeating my eye? Post operation doctor visit he says normal for a tuff cataract removal? What ever? At least a week in the fog-putting eye drops 4 times a day! Don’t listen to your friends that say I could see vivid clear colors the next morning! In some cases yes it does happen! By the way the doctor said I could drive, however very carefully! If you live in Winnipeg and see a beat-up 87 Dodge Caravan coming your way, take your chances lol! As usual its Never a yes or no with me it’s a long-winded story! Hey have a nice Sunday and it’s great seeing you, well almost!
Soleil et la Lune
Soleil et la Lune
Je suis ne entre le soleil et Ia lune
Lange de ma naissance et fiêre de mois
Soleil o SoIeil de ma mere ou ét~ vous
Se suis à L’age de raison et le roi de ma maison
Soleil de la lune réchauffe-le-toi de mon ame
Mama chère maman oust été vous
Et vous entrez le soleiI et la lune
Je vois Ies etoil de vos yeux
Je suis ne entre le soleil et la lune
Ou et la chaleur de ta voit sure mon ame
Pour aujourd’hui je suis calme
Les second son long entre le soleil et La lune
Les tendres de ta voix chauffent l’heure de ma vie
Je suis ne entre le soleil et la lune
Vous été lange de ma naissance ma chère
Merci pour les respire et la chaleur de ta voit sur
Le mémoire de mon aujourd’hui
je suis entre le soleil et la lune le soleil et la lune
Maurice Asselin
24 Janvier 1988
A la mémoire de ma chere mama Marie Ange
Je suis ne entre le soleil et Ia lune
Lange de ma naissance et fiêre de mois
Soleil o SoIeil de ma mere ou ét~ vous
Se suis à L’age de raison et le roi de ma maison
Soleil de la lune réchauffe-le-toi de mon ame
Mama chère maman oust été vous
Et vous entrez le soleiI et la lune
Je vois Ies etoil de vos yeux
Je suis ne entre le soleil et la lune
Ou et la chaleur de ta voit sure mon ame
Pour aujourd’hui je suis calme
Les second son long entre le soleil et La lune
Les tendres de ta voix chauffent l’heure de ma vie
Je suis ne entre le soleil et la lune
Vous été lange de ma naissance ma chère
Merci pour les respire et la chaleur de ta voit sur
Le mémoire de mon aujourd’hui
je suis entre le soleil et la lune le soleil et la lune
Maurice Asselin
24 Janvier 1988
A la mémoire de ma chere mama Marie Ange
The Old Bastards Club?
Is that a fair statement to make? For those who are still above ground, you dam right! Will your reputation as an old bastard precede you? The term can be used many ways to articulate a man's disposition! If your looking for political correctness, then you have come to the wrong place. When a bunch of old guys get together and talk about life in general, the shock waves may knock you over. Most older people have grown up enough to drop the facade and have stopped living in denial! How about the truth? That could be optional! The truth about me will set me free for sure. The spin doctors and experts have taken over the world? The propaganda machine is running out gas! Have you talked to an old bastard lately? "Been there done that and survived it all". Talk to an old bastard and you may meet a very wise man?
The Riches of Writing
I'm no stranger to poverty so I will continue on my path to the riches of writing. Helping those in need of a shoulder to lean on in times of trouble. He's my brother he's not heavy. Service to your fellow man has the weight of a feather not the burden of heavy gold. To see the eye of your own soul gives you freedom in knowing the truth shall set you free. The safety and warmth of your mothers womb has wisdom that mortal men know little. Mother nature's love warms us in sunrise and in sunset forever protecting us from harming ourselves. To pick up a stone and heave it against an other rock has no value its best to lay it down so it may have heat to warm hands that need healing.
Maurice J Asselin
Maurice J Asselin
I just want to take care of my babies!!!!
Why be surprised at the basic nature of the female species! Human Nature period!! no man in the picture no offspring to take care of. Straightforward common sense and logic. Not surprising that she tolerates having the knuckle dragging monkey around to forage for food and gather the wood to keep the babies warm. That is the basic and simple explanation.
We as men will make an effort to help with the babies, however our basic nature is to mate with her as often as she is willing. Much like the animal kingdom we have the urge to look out side the nest with the hope that we are within the eyesight of an ovulating female. Never get between a mama bear and her cubs! Widowed women out number widower men by a large margin. They just simply live longer. Go to any nursing home in North America, As an example the building I live in has sixty suites with only five men the balance are widowed ladies.
You all know this, however my stubbornness’ in ignoring political correctness puts a different slant on what you all maybe thinking. As humans were we really meant to spend an entire lifetime with the same mate? In theory It may make sense to many. However the divorce rate statistics surely brings up a compelling Argument to the contrary. Who wants to take on religion, the experts, or maybe those who have spent sixty or more years with the same person? Please don’t use me as an example I for whatever reasons could not maintain an ongoing relationship with the same women for any length of time. However I did father two children as the results of a legal marriage. If the truth be known unknowingly I may have fathered more. For those who’s heart may have started to race or felt faint or your self righteous brain went into gear, I have been divorced from a short six year marriage for forty years. Ok take a deep breath and lets get on with the story. Only the mothers of those offspring really know! Was I used as a sperm donor, Let them answer that question. (“don’t worry I’m on the pill”) I was only following my basic nature as knuckle dragging monkey.Tina Turner said it best " whats love got to do with it" If your offended by this article please pass it on. If your not offended say nothing because it will defeat my reasons for writing it in the first place. Or maybe your snickering in agreement. I am no shock jock writer trying to get attention?? Just and old guy who thinks he's a wordsmith.
Maurice Asselin
We as men will make an effort to help with the babies, however our basic nature is to mate with her as often as she is willing. Much like the animal kingdom we have the urge to look out side the nest with the hope that we are within the eyesight of an ovulating female. Never get between a mama bear and her cubs! Widowed women out number widower men by a large margin. They just simply live longer. Go to any nursing home in North America, As an example the building I live in has sixty suites with only five men the balance are widowed ladies.
You all know this, however my stubbornness’ in ignoring political correctness puts a different slant on what you all maybe thinking. As humans were we really meant to spend an entire lifetime with the same mate? In theory It may make sense to many. However the divorce rate statistics surely brings up a compelling Argument to the contrary. Who wants to take on religion, the experts, or maybe those who have spent sixty or more years with the same person? Please don’t use me as an example I for whatever reasons could not maintain an ongoing relationship with the same women for any length of time. However I did father two children as the results of a legal marriage. If the truth be known unknowingly I may have fathered more. For those who’s heart may have started to race or felt faint or your self righteous brain went into gear, I have been divorced from a short six year marriage for forty years. Ok take a deep breath and lets get on with the story. Only the mothers of those offspring really know! Was I used as a sperm donor, Let them answer that question. (“don’t worry I’m on the pill”) I was only following my basic nature as knuckle dragging monkey.Tina Turner said it best " whats love got to do with it" If your offended by this article please pass it on. If your not offended say nothing because it will defeat my reasons for writing it in the first place. Or maybe your snickering in agreement. I am no shock jock writer trying to get attention?? Just and old guy who thinks he's a wordsmith.
Maurice Asselin
Dear -----------------
Dear ---------
Firstly I have to make very clear to you that I am not a psychiatrist or qualified psychologist. My experience has come from many years of observing my own behavior. The AA program is based on twelve steps, twelve traditions, twelve concepts. The program of recovery is based on the individuals ability to be honest with themselves. This is a lifetime commitment in applying the principals set down in the big book of Alcoholics anonymous. The program is very clear that it is voluntary and only makes suggestions based on experience that is shared as being part of a program of recovery. We only get back to the degree that we put into practicing certain principles in our own personnel recovery.
As in most twelve step programs that have adopted the 12 steps of AA, the recovery rate is only about 3 % .
Most of my ability in understanding human nature comes from many years of searching out and being honest about the things that have affected me personally in childhood and growing up in a dysfunctional environment. Many years of being influenced by people places and things had caused me to react to life mostly in negative terms. My anxieties, fears, and panic came from not being able to understand that other negative influences as well as my own caused me to loose touch with reality. This does not mean being insane! Over many years of self discovery and dealing with very painful memories did I realize that I was in many ways not totally at fault. I had to learn how to clear the path and come to terms with the past that caused me pain and suffering. To the degree that I wrote down the good the bad and the ugly did I feel less anxious. I had to make a ledger that was divided into two parts negative one side positive the other. Like I had told you about how fear is the corroding thread that touches almost every aspect of lives. Anger and resentments that we harbor is what blocks us from the sunlight of the spirit. Only to the degree that we rid ourselves from the wreckage of the past do we achieve peace of mind and serenity. I had to learn how to forgive myself first.
Its a simple process, however not easy but it can be done. keep it simple but be very honest with yourself about the challenge ahead. Take your time in writing down each discovery however painful it may be. Remember this a personal journey that you must take. You do not have to share this with anyone. You may keep your journal close or after reviewing a few times understanding what you have written and dealt with some of pain and forgiving yourself and others for the harm caused. You may decide to destroy what you have written. Its like a self confession on paper. The idea is to get it out of your system rather then let it roll around inside. If you feel the need to go back to review some of what you have written then do so. We are always left with little scares that will heal. The key is to not have any pain attached to the memories. To the degree that we climb over the wall of adversity and allow ourselves the pain and suffering do we find a degree of humility. Once over the wall we look back with a strong character being able to handle life's challenges on a daily basis without fear and understanding. This a short version of a lifetime of work that will never end. We must stay vigilante on a daily basis. That is why " one day at a time" is so true for all of us. Yesterday is gone tomorrow is not here however we have today to deal with. Thank you for the opportunity to help you as that is how I maintain my sobriety is in helping others.
serenity prayer
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change
courage to change things I can, and
wisdom to know the difference.
Firstly I have to make very clear to you that I am not a psychiatrist or qualified psychologist. My experience has come from many years of observing my own behavior. The AA program is based on twelve steps, twelve traditions, twelve concepts. The program of recovery is based on the individuals ability to be honest with themselves. This is a lifetime commitment in applying the principals set down in the big book of Alcoholics anonymous. The program is very clear that it is voluntary and only makes suggestions based on experience that is shared as being part of a program of recovery. We only get back to the degree that we put into practicing certain principles in our own personnel recovery.
As in most twelve step programs that have adopted the 12 steps of AA, the recovery rate is only about 3 % .
Most of my ability in understanding human nature comes from many years of searching out and being honest about the things that have affected me personally in childhood and growing up in a dysfunctional environment. Many years of being influenced by people places and things had caused me to react to life mostly in negative terms. My anxieties, fears, and panic came from not being able to understand that other negative influences as well as my own caused me to loose touch with reality. This does not mean being insane! Over many years of self discovery and dealing with very painful memories did I realize that I was in many ways not totally at fault. I had to learn how to clear the path and come to terms with the past that caused me pain and suffering. To the degree that I wrote down the good the bad and the ugly did I feel less anxious. I had to make a ledger that was divided into two parts negative one side positive the other. Like I had told you about how fear is the corroding thread that touches almost every aspect of lives. Anger and resentments that we harbor is what blocks us from the sunlight of the spirit. Only to the degree that we rid ourselves from the wreckage of the past do we achieve peace of mind and serenity. I had to learn how to forgive myself first.
Its a simple process, however not easy but it can be done. keep it simple but be very honest with yourself about the challenge ahead. Take your time in writing down each discovery however painful it may be. Remember this a personal journey that you must take. You do not have to share this with anyone. You may keep your journal close or after reviewing a few times understanding what you have written and dealt with some of pain and forgiving yourself and others for the harm caused. You may decide to destroy what you have written. Its like a self confession on paper. The idea is to get it out of your system rather then let it roll around inside. If you feel the need to go back to review some of what you have written then do so. We are always left with little scares that will heal. The key is to not have any pain attached to the memories. To the degree that we climb over the wall of adversity and allow ourselves the pain and suffering do we find a degree of humility. Once over the wall we look back with a strong character being able to handle life's challenges on a daily basis without fear and understanding. This a short version of a lifetime of work that will never end. We must stay vigilante on a daily basis. That is why " one day at a time" is so true for all of us. Yesterday is gone tomorrow is not here however we have today to deal with. Thank you for the opportunity to help you as that is how I maintain my sobriety is in helping others.
serenity prayer
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change
courage to change things I can, and
wisdom to know the difference.
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